CAT Eyes is a nationwide program developed to educate and empower American citizens in order to defend America against terrorism and help eliminate racism and prejudice. CAT Eyes aims to increase public awareness of terrorism through a passive Anti-Terrorism program. CAT Eyes believes that every American citizen should be taught the indicators of terrorism so…
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Our Mission
CAT Eyes was founded in November of 2001 in response to the 9-11 attacks. Our mission is the development and distribution of the Community Anti-terrorism Training Initiative, known as the C.A.T. Eyes Program, to the citizens of the United States. Immediately after the attacks of September 11, CAT Eyes contacted the Burlington County Sheriffs Office…
Many people say, “It’s over; we haven’t been attacked since 9/11.” Terrorism Today September 2002 – Lackawanna Six September 2002 – Plan to fly plane into Library Tower in LA March 2004 – Madrid train bombing April 2004 – Threats against LA malls April 2005 – Threats against financial institutions July 2005 – London bus…
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PD ICTOA Global Incident Map
May 31, 2007 The Philadelphia Inquirer, “‘Ft. Dix Six’ case shows threats can be close to us” By U.S. Rep. Jim Saxton (R., N.J.) October 16, 2006 Home News Tribune, “Franklin cop gets terrorism training” March 6, 2005 The Boston Globe, “Security training expands, Citizens taught to spot terrorism” October 25, 2004 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “Retired…