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We believe in a Train the Trainer method of implementation. We developed this idea to keep this a very inexpensive means to train tens of thousands (or more) of your critical infrastructure staff members and partners. We believe your outcome will be the start or the continuation of a common language across these sectors and…

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We employ a coordinator who works with your Tiger Team and all agencies in the training to schedule 100% of the training program. This coordinator works with you to develop locations, recruitment of staff members by providing materials, the Tiger Team members schedules for availability and preferences, as well as sign off from your administration…

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Tiger Team We develop a “Tiger Team” of trainers from these various agencies who implement the training into your town or region. We invest heavily to insure this Tiger Team knows the material, are able to answer questions, are great public speakers, and are motivated to train your community. Your investment is to allow the…

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The benefits of a CAT Eyes program are as follows: Training material current, relevant Low cost Coordination Train the Trainers Graduation Reward system for learning

The CAT Eyes community resources webpage is an interactive one-stop source for information about ways to detect and mitigate a response to terrorist actions. The purpose of this section is to offer the following items to any citizen across the globe. Feel free to participate in any or all of the following activities. 1. Report…

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